Sil Simone is an in demand guitarist, composer, producer based in Toronto.
Touring and recording credits -
Tom Cochrane
Rik Emmett
Lee Aaron
Liberty Silver
Canadian Idols Melissa O’Neal, Kalen Porter and Rex Goudie
Ronnie Hawkins
The Partland Brothers
Chris Partland
Blood Red Flower
Simon Chase
Brass Transit
Pretzel Logic
.. and many others
Televsion credits -
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Late Night with David Letterman
Musique Plus
Theatre credits -
Rock Of Ages - The Musical
We Will Rock You - The Musical
Bat Out Of Hell - The Musical
Sil has released 2 albums on Avalon World Music:
"Baha Café"
"Viva La Guitarra"
The first singles from Sil Simone
“Talking Red” and “The Solace”
now streaming on all digital platforms
... more to come...